
I usually spend a lot of my time surfing the web…so I stay updated with design world and all the areas I’m interested in. Often I find very interesting blogs. Internet sea is full of them, but the one I found this morning deserves a little time. It’s called “Brooklin to west” and is maintained by Ariele, Brooklin designer who realizes furniture and objects with recyced materials.
I’ve seen her new Brooklin studio before, then I saw all her work: Ariele creates restaurants, from walls to furniture, she loves antiques’ fairs and “empty” abandoned farms with a friend, Amelie.
Not only that, she realizes everything alone, and I think she has a beautiful hand, as well as taste, unique ideas and passion for what she does.
I want to dedicate this post to a very distant person, that I feel very close to me, because of her life choice and tastes. I still have a lot to learn, and finding this kind of artists is for me a great motivation and continual teaching.
Here some pictures I’ve chosen from among her thousands, but for you the link to her blog, to see everything you want: